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Автор: marvel
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essay cover What characteristic of our world today allow to existence of slaver , "Is there slavery in our time? Yes, slavery continues to exist in the XXI century. In its report the United Nations says: “Despite t...


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What characteristic of our world today allow to existence of slaver
"Is there slavery in our time? Yes, slavery continues to exist in the XXI century. In its report the United Nations says: “Despite t...
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  • Содержание:
    "Is there slavery in our time? Yes, slavery continues to exist in the XXI century. In its report the United Nations says: “Despite the fact that formally slavery is prohibited throughout the world, in many countries human trafficking takes place informally”. To estimate the scale of the slave trade is rather difficult, however, according to the calculations of UN experts, about four millions of modern slaves cross the states’ borders annually. According to the UN, the slave trade is most common in regions such as Asia, Africa and Latin America. Particularly disadvantaged in this respect are the Asia-Pacific countries. As noted by the United Nations economic and social committee on the development of the Asia-Pacific region, the reasons for this are “overpopulation, development of urbanization and extreme poverty”

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    4. Dostoyevsky Fyodor. Crime and punishment / F. Dostoyevsky. – Toronto: Bantam Books, 1987. – 265 p.
    5. Shields C. Aristotle’s Philosophical Life and Writings / C. Shields // The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle. – Oxford University Press, 2012. – pp. 3 – 16.
    6. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/index.html

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