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essay cover The conclusive period of cold war , "Content
Introduction 6
Actuality 6
The goals, objectives, object, subject, chronological framework 7


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The conclusive period of cold war
Introduction 6
Actuality 6
The goals, objectives, object, subject, chronological framework 7
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  • Содержание:
    Introduction 6
    Actuality 6
    The goals, objectives, object, subject, chronological framework 7
    Observation structure 9
    Methodology 10

    Overview of sources and literature 13
    Sources 13
    National historiography 15
    Foreign historiography 17
    US foreign policy doctrine of the early 80 - ies of XX century 21
    Theoretical aspects of the foreign policy of the Reagan administration 21
    A departure from the former Reagan foreign policy: diplomacy, or a necessary measure 31
    The transformation of the foreign policy of the Soviet Union during the adjustment period (mid 80-ies of XX century.) 34
    The coming to power of MS Gorbachev and his first foreign policy measures 34
    The permutations in state structures of the USSR 37
    Discussions in Soviet circles about the choice of the priority directions of foreign policy 41
    The reaction of the United States to replace the foreign policy of the USSR 44
    The United States and the Soviet Union: the beginning of a peaceful foreign policy cooperation (1985-1986 biennium). 47
    Meeting in Geneva (November 1985): the first attempts at dialogue 47
    ""Peace offensive"" MS Gorbachev 51
    Meeting with Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan in Reykjavik: search for compromises 60
    The US and the USSR in 1987-1990 gg. 67
    Personal relations between Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev 67
    Reduction of the strategic arsenal of the US and USSR 69
    Revision of the concepts of the Soviet foreign policy 74
    MS Speech Gorbachev's response to the UN and the Western public 77
    The objectives and the US position in the decision of the German and Afghan issues 80
    Conclusion 83

    The list of references for each chapter 87
    The list of references for each chapter

    Chapter 1 Introduction

    1. Bennett EM Franklin Roosevelt and the Search for Security Wilmington, 1985
    2. Cannon L. Reagan. N. Y. 1982
    3. Cropsey S. Why American Needs a Strong «Voice» Abroad. The Latter. Institute for Contemprorary Studies. 1983 Deaver M. Behind the Scenes. N. Y. 1987
    4. Doder D. Shadows and Whispers: Power Politics Inside the Kremlin From Brezhnev to Gorbachev. N.Y., 1986
    5. Frankland M. The Sixth Continent. Russia and the Making of Mikhail Gorbachev. N.Y., 1987
    6. Glynn P. Why an American Arms Buildup is morally necessity // Commentary. 1984
    7. Kaiser R.G. Why Gorbachev Happened: His Triumphs and His Failure. N.Y., 1991
    8. Keglye Ch., Wittkopf E. The Reagan Administration World View. Orbis. Spring. 1982
    9. Laquer W. Reagan and the Russians // Commentary. 1982
    10. Lewin M. The Gorbachev Phenomenon: A Historical Interpretation. Berkeley; Los-Angeles, 1988
    11. Memoirs of Harry S.Truman. Vol.II. Years of Trial and Hope. NY: Doubleday & Co. Inc., 1956
    12. Pipes R. How to Cope with Soviet Threat. A long term strategy for the West // Commentary. 1984
    13. Podhoretz N. The Future Danger // Commentary. 1981; Smith H. Reagan: What Kind of World Leader? // N.Y. Times Magazine. 1980
    14. Rubby T. M. The Cautions Diplomat. Kent - Lnd. 1986
    15. The official Ronald Reagan Quote Book. St Louis, 1980; Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 1981-1983
    16. Batjuk V. Evstafiev D. The first frosts. Soviet - American relations in 1945 - 1950 years. - M., 1995
    17. VM Berazhkou Pages diplomatic history. - M.: Intern. relation 1984
    18. Bystrov IV Soviet military capabilities of the ""cold war"" in the American assessments // National History. 2004. №4.
    19. Alexander Grachev Gorbachev. Moscow, 2001
    20. OA Grinevskiy Fracture. From Brezhnev to Gorbachev. Moscow, 2004
    21. Gromyko AA Memorial. Bk. First Moscow, 1988
    22. Gromyko AA External expansion capital. History and modernity. M., 1982
    23. LM Zamyatin Gorby and Maggie: Notes of the Ambassador of the two well-known politicians. M .: VINITI, 1995
    24. EA Ivanyan As Reagan was in the White House // Questions of history. 1984. № 8.
    25. EA Ivanyan Ronald Reagan - chronicle of the life and time. M .: Thought 1991
    26. Konishev VN American neo-realism of the nature of the war: the evolution of political theory. St. Petersburg, 2004
    27. Lan VI US war and postwar years .M .: Science, 1978
    28. J. Matlock. Reagan and Gorbachev. AM 200
    29. Nikonov VA Ronald Reagan // Questions of history. 1989. №2
    30. Understanding history / Under obsch.red. GN Sevostyanova. M .: Education, 1996
    31. From Gorbachev to Yeltsin. M., 1994
    32. Soviet-American relations. Documentation. 1945 - 1948. Moscow, 2004
    33. Soviet-American relations. Documentation. 1949 - 1952. Moscow, 2006
    34. Sogrin V. The political history of modern Russia. M., 1994
    35. Utkin AI The only superpower. Moscow, 2003
    36. Filatov A.M. ""Cold War"": historiographical debates in the West. M., 1994
    37. NS Khrushchev time, people power. T. 2. M., 1999
    38. W. Churchill muscles world. Moscow, 2002
    39. A. Schlesinger Cycles of American History. M., 1992.
    40. Encyclopedia of Russian-American relations. XVIII-XX century. Moscow, 2001
    41. Yakovlev N. Franklin Roosevelt. A man and a politician. Moscow, 1981

    Chapter 2. Methodology

    1. Bush G. and Scowcroft B.A. World Transformed. New York - Toronto, 1998
    2. Shultz G. Turmoil and Triumph. My Years as Secretary of State. N.Y., 1993
    3. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 1981-1983 et al.
    4. Archive (fund) Margaret Thatcher [electronic resource] -http: //www.margaretthatcher.org/archive/default.asp
    5. Belonogov A. Diplomacy. Mikhail Gorbachev in New York (from the notes of the USSR ambassador to the UN) // International Affairs. 2006. № 4
    6. Library Council on Foreign Relations [electronic resource] - http://www.cfr.org/publication/
    7. Library Center of foreign policy [electronic resource] - http://fpc.org.uk/
    8. The virtual library of links to sources of international relations [electronic resource] - http://www2.etown.edu/vl/index.html#resourcecategories
    9. Mikhail Gorbachev Years of hard decisions. M., 1993
    10. Mikhail Gorbachev Life and Reforms: In 2 t. T. 2. M., 1995
    11. Mikhail Gorbachev Selected speeches and articles: The 7 t. T. 2. M., 1988
    12. Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World. M., 1987
    13. Mikhail Gorbachev Understand restructuring ... Why is it important now. M., 2006;
    14. Mikhail Gorbachev Reflections on the past and future. M., 1998
    15. Alexander Grachev Gorbachev. Moscow, 2001
    16. OA Grinevskiy Notes diplomat. As Gorbachev proceeded to foreign policy // USA, Canada: the economy, politics, culture. 2000. № 4,5,
    17. OA Grinevskiy As Gorbachev proceeded to foreign policy // USA, Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture. 2000. №5;
    18. OA Grinevskiy Fracture. From Brezhnev to Gorbachev. Moscow, 2004
    19. Articles XIX All-Union Conference of the CPSU. M., 1988
    20. International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev - Fund) [electronic resource] - http://www.gorby.ru/gorbi_fund/about/
    21. Memoirs of Margaret Thatcher [electronic resource] -http: //thelib.ru/books/margaret_tetcher/avtobiografiya-read-6.html
    22. J. Matlock. Reagan and Gorbachev. Moscow, 2005
    23. J. Matlock. Death of the Empire: a view of the American ambassador to the Soviet Union's collapse. Moscow, 2003
    24. Scientific Library MGIMO [electronic resource] - http://www.mgimo.ru/library/
    25. The Russian State Library [electronic resource] - http://www.rsl.ru/
    26. VV Semenova Qualitative methods: an introduction to humanistic sociology: Proc. allowance for students / Institute of Sociology, RAS. M .: Dobrosvet, 1998.
    27. Smolensk NI Theory and Methodology of History: studies. benefits for students. Executive. Proc. Institutions 2nd ed., Sr. - Moscow: Publishing Center ""Academy"", 2008.
    28. Eduard Shevardnadze My choice - in favor of peace and democracy. Moscow, 1991

    Chapter 3. Overview of sources and literature

    1. Baker J. The Politics of Diplomacy. Revolution, War and Peace. 1989-1992. N.Y., 1995
    2. Bush G. and Scowcroft B.A. World Transformed. New York - Toronto, 1998
    3. Cropsey S. Why American Needs a Strong «Voice» Abroad. The Latter. Institute for Contemprorary Studies. 1983. Jan. - April
    4. Deaver M. Behind the Scenes. N. Y. 1987
    5. Glynn P. Why an American Arms Build up is morally necessary // Commentary. 1984. Feb
    6. International Herald Tribune.
    7. Keglye Ch., Wittkopf E. The Reagan Administration World View. Orbis. Spring. 1982
    8. Laquer W. Reagan and the Russians // Commentary. 1982. Jan
    9. Mandelbaum M., Talbott S. Reagan and Gorbachev. N.Y. 1987
    10. Pipes R. How to Cope with Soviet Threat. A long term strategy for the West // Commentary. 1984. Aug.
    11. Podhoretz N. The Future Danger // Commentary. 1981. April
    12. Shultz G. Turmoil and Triumph. My Years as Secretary of State. N.Y., 1993.
    13. Smith H. Reagan: What Kind of World Leader? // N.Y. Times Magazine. 1980. Nov
    14. The official Ronald Reagan Quote Book. St Louis, 1980
    15. The Washington Post
    16. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 1981-1983
    17. Adamishin AL These best three years // Breakthrough to Freedom: the restructuring twenty years later (the critical analysis). Moscow, 2005
    18. Arbatov AG The military-strategic parity and US policy. Moscow, 1984
    19. Archive (fund) Margaret Thatcher [electronic resource] -http: //www.margaretthatcher.org/archive/default.asp
    20. Barsenkov AS ""New thinking"" in foreign policy of the USSR (1985 -1991 gg.) // Bulletin of Moscow University. Ser. 25.Mezhdunarodnye relations and world politics. 2012. № 1
    21. Batalov EY, Malashenko IE, Melville A.Yu. The ideological strategy of the United States on the world stage. M., 1985
    22. Library Council on Foreign Relations [electronic resource] - http://www.cfr.org/publication/
    23. Library Center of foreign policy [electronic resource] - http://fpc.org.uk/
    24. The virtual library of links to sources of international relations [electronic resource] - http://www2.etown.edu/vl/index.html#resourcecategories
    25. Hajiyev KS The American nation: national identity and culture. M .: Nauka, 1990.
    26. Mikhail Gorbachev Years of hard decisions. M., 1993
    27. Mikhail Gorbachev Life and Reforms: In 2 t. T. 2. M., 1995
    28. Mikhail Gorbachev Selected speeches and articles: The 7 t. T. 2. M., 1988
    29. Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World. M., 1987
    30. Mikhail Gorbachev Understand restructuring ... Why is it important now. Moscow, 2006
    31. Mikhail Gorbachev Reflections on the past and future. M., 1998
    32. Alexander Grachev Gorbachev. M., 2001.
    33. OA Grinevskiy Fracture. From Brezhnev to Gorbachev. Moscow, 2004
    34. Yuri Dubinin, BF Martynov, St. George's TV The history of international relations. 1975-1991. Moscow, 2006
    35. Egorova EV The United States in international crises. M., 1983
    36. EA Ivanyan From George Washington to George W. Bush White House and the press. M .: Politizdat, 1991.
    37. Ivanyan E A. Ronald Reagan - chronicle of the life and time. M .: Thought, 1991.
    38. The history of the foreign policy of the USSR and Russia in 1985-1999 .: problems, solutions, results. Moscow, 2010
    39. Kuvaldin V. Gorbachev and his foreign policy // World Economy and International Relations. 2005. № 11
    40. Articles XIX All-Union Conference of the CPSU. M., 1988
    41. International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev - Fund) [electronic resource] - http://www.gorby.ru/gorbi_fund/about/
    42. Melville A.Yu. US - shifting to the right? M., 1986
    43. Memoirs of Margaret Thatcher [electronic resource] -http: //thelib.ru/books/margaret_tetcher/avtobiografiya-read-6.html
    44. J. Matlock. Reagan and Gorbachev. Moscow, 2005
    45. J. Matlock. Death of the Empire: a view of the American ambassador to the Soviet Union's collapse. Moscow, 2003
    46. OA Grinevskiy Gorbachev proceeded to foreign policy // USA, Canada: Economics, Politics, Culture. 2000. №5
    47. Studies in the History of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia: In 3 t. T. 2.M. 2002
    48. Polynov MF MS Gorbachev and the new political thinking: origins, main ideas, results // The recent history of Russia. 2012. №2
    49. Ponomareva IB, IA Smirnova Geopolitics of US imperialism. M., 1986
    50. It is true from 1985 to 1990.
    51. Sekirinski DS MS Gorbachev, perestroika and American society in 1985-1991 .// Russian history. 2010. № 5
    52. The United States and the problem of the cessation of weapons: nuclear-space dimension: 80 years / AG. Arbatov, VG Baranovsky, V. Vladimirov et al. M .: Nauka, 1988.
    53. Utkin AI American strategy for the twenty-first century. Moscow, 2000
    54. Utkin AI Call the West and Russia's response. M., 2005.
    55. Utkin AI The only superpower. Moscow, 2000
    56. Froyanov IJ Dive into the abyss. M .: The algorithm 2001.
    57. Khvorostyanskaya AA Sovestky-American relations in the national security doctrine of the Reagan Administration // Proceedings of Higher Education. North Caucasus region. Social sciences. 2006. №4
    58. Tsygankov AP Russia's foreign policy from Gorbachev to Putin: the formation of national interest. Moscow, 2008.
    59. Eduard Shevardnadze My choice - in favor of peace and democracy. M., 1991.
    60. Digital Library MGIMO [electronic resource] - http://www.mgimo.ru/publications/ehd.phtml

    Chapter 4. US foreign policy doctrine of the early 80 - ies of XX century

    1. Cropsey S. Why American Needs a Strong «Voice» Abroad. The Latter. Institute for Contemprorary Studies. 1983. Jan. - April. P. 31
    2. Deaver M. Behind the Scenes. N. Y. 1987. P. 39
    3. Glynn P. Why an American Arms Build up is morally necessary // Commentary. 1984. Feb.P. 27
    4. International Herald Tribune.1981. May. 7.
    5. Keglye Ch., Wittkopf E. The Reagan Administration World View. Orbis. Spring. 1982. P. 227-228
    6. Laquer W. Reagan and the Russians // Commentary. 1982. Jan. P. 25
    7. Pipes R. How to Cope with Soviet Threat. A long term strategy for the West // Commentary. 1984. Aug. P. 15
    8. Podhoretz N. The Future Danger // Commentary. April 1981.. P. 31, 39-40
    9. Smith H. Reagan: What Kind of World Leader? // N.Y. Times Magazine. 1980. Nov. P. 172
    10. The official Ronald Reagan Quote Book. St Louis, 1980. P. 201
    11. The Washington Post, 20.XI.1984.
    12. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 1982. Vol. 18. № 47. P. 1521
    13. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 1983. Vol. 19 № 15. P. 443
    14. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 1983. Vol. 19. № 6. P. 213
    15. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 1983. Vol. 20. № 45. P. 1750
    16. Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents. 1983. Vol. 20. № 48. P. 1849
    17. Weekly Compilation of Rresidential Documents. 1983. Vol. 19. № 12. P. 448
    18. Weekly Sompilation of Presidential Documents. 1983. Vol. 19. № 41. P. 1416
    19. Weekly Sompilation of Presidential Documents. 1983. Vol. 19. № 42. P. 1416
    20. Weekly Sompilation of Rresidential Documents. 1981.Vol. 17. № 22. P. 562
    21. Weekly Sompilation of Rresidential Documents. 1983.Vol. 19. № 52. P. 1748
    22. Konishev VN American neo-realism of the nature of the war: the evolution of political theory. SPb., 2004. P. 55
    23. Utkin AI The only superpower. M., 2003, pp 213
    24. Khvorostyanskaya AA Sovestky-American relations in the national security doctrine of the Reagan Administration // Proceedings of Higher Education. North Caucasus region. Social sciences. 2006. №4
    25. P. Schweitzer victory. Minsk, 1995, pp 117
    26. A. Schlesinger Cycles of American History. M., 1992. S. 83.145

    Chapter 5. The transformation of the foreign policy of the Soviet Union during the adjustment period (mid 80-ies of XX century.)

    1. Baker J. The Politics of Diplomacy. Revolution, War and Peace. 1989-1992. N.Y., 1995. P. 70
    2. Mandelbaum M., Talbott S. Reagan and Gorbachev. N.Y. 1987. P. 33
    3. Library Center of foreign policy [electronic resource] - http://fpc.org.uk/
    4. Bogaturov AD The Great Powers in the Pacific. The history and theory of international relations in East Asia after World War II (1945-1995). M., 1996.
    5. Brutents KN Nesbit. M., 2005, pp 153-156, 241
    6. George Bush., B. Scowcroft world has changed. M., 2004, p 16
    7. In the Politburo. According to records A. Chernyaev, V. Medvedev, G. Shakhnazarov. M., 2006. S. 20
    8. Mikhail Gorbachev Selected speeches and articles: The 7 t. T. 2. M., 1988, pp 462 - 465, pp 441, 462- 465, 477.
    9. Mikhail Gorbachev Reflections on the past and future. M., 1998. S.208-209
    10. Alexander Grachev Gorbachev. M. 2001.S. 102
    11. OA Grinevskiy Fracture. From Brezhnev to Gorbachev. M., 2004, pp 44, 240, 244, 242, 314, 333
    12. Gromyko Anat. A. In the maze of the Kremlin. Memories and Reflections son. M., 1997. S.101-102
    13. AF Dobrynin Strictly confidential. M., 1996, pp 607
    14. EA Ivanyan Ronald Reagan - chronicle of the life and time. M .: Thought, 1991. pp 350
    15. Kapto AS At the turn of the century. M., 2006.
    16. International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev - Fund) [electronic resource] - http://www.gorby.ru/gorbi_fund/about/
    17. J. Matlock. Reagan and Gorbachev. M., 2005. C. 150
    18. J. Matlock. Death of the Empire: a view of the American ambassador to the Soviet Union's collapse. M., 2003, pp 31, 59-61
    19. Studies in the History of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia: In 3 t. T. 2.M., 2002, pp 440, 452
    20. Restructuring, twenty years later. M. 2005.S. 219
    21. Polynov MF Historical background of perestroika in the USSR. The second half of the 1940s - the first half of the 1980s. SPb., 2010. S. 137 7
    22. GH Popov Will Russia has the second millennium? M., 1998, pp 168 -171
    23. True. 04.08.1985, 29.07.1985, 04.30.1985
    24. Utkin AI World ""cold war"". M., 2005, pp 596-606
    25. VM Falin No discounts on the circumstances. Political memories. M., 1999, pp 424

    Chapter 6. United States and the Soviet Union: the beginning of a peaceful foreign policy cooperation (1985-1986).

    1. Bush G. and Scowcroft B.A. World Transformed. New York - Toronto, 1998
    2. International Herbal Tribune. 1985. 2. XII.
    3. Sakwa R. Gorbachev and His Reforms. N.Y., 1990. P. 319
    4. Shultz G. Turmoil and Triumph. My Years as Secretary of State. N.Y., 1993. P. 775
    5. Akhromeev SF, GM Kornienko Through the eyes of the marshal and diplomat: a critical look at the foreign policy of the Soviet Union before and after 1985, Moscow, 1992, p 109
    6. Barsenkov AS Introduction to modern Russian history. M., 2002, pp 71
    7. Library Center of foreign policy [electronic resource] - http://fpc.org.uk/
    8. Politburo. According to records A. Chernyaev, V. Medvedev, G. Shakhnazarov. M., 2006. p.28-29 83, 85-87, 89
    9. Mikhail Gorbachev Years of hard decisions. M., 1993. S. 54
    10. Mikhail Gorbachev Life and Reforms: In 2 t. T. 2. M., 1995. S. 32
    11. Mikhail Gorbachev Selected speeches and articles: The 7 t. T. 2. M., 1988, pp 74, 76, 451, 133-136, 256-258
    12. Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World. M., 1987, pp 151
    13. Mikhail Gorbachev Understand restructuring ... Why is it important now. M., 2006. P.177
    14. Mikhail Gorbachev Reflections on the past and future. M. 1998.S.210 216
    15. Alexander Grachev Gorbachev. M. 2001.S.176
    16. OA Grinevskiy Fracture. From Brezhnev to Gorbachev. M., 2004, pp 322, 350, 395-396, 475
    17. Gromyko Anat. A. In the maze of the Kremlin. Memories and Reflections son. M. 1997.S.116
    18. Y. Dubinin Time for a change. M., 2003. S. 92, 111-114
    19. A. Zagorski Helsinki process. The negotiations in the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe. 1972-1991 years. M., 2005, pp 247, 275
    20. YA Kvitsinskiy Time and chance: notes professional. M., 1999, pp 482, 485
    21. AA Kokoshin Issues of strategic stability: theoretical and practical issues / 2nd ed., Rev. and add. M., 2010. P. 85
    22. International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev - Fund) [electronic resource] - http://www.gorby.ru/gorbi_fund/about/
    23. J. Matlock. Death of the Empire: a view of the American ambassador to the Soviet Union's collapse. M., 2003. 60.74
    24. Oznobischev SK, VY Potapov, VV Skokov How to cook the ""asymmetric response"" to the ""Strategic Defense Initiative"" Reagan. Velikhov, Kokoshin and others. M., 2008. C.4
    25. Studies in the History of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia: In 3 t. T. 2. M., 2002, pp 437 - 445
    26. True. 11.06.1986, 10.26.1985
    27. NF Chervov Nuclear cycling: what was, what will be. M., 2001.
    28. Eduard Shevardnadze My choice - in favor of peace and democracy. M., 1991. P.103
    29. Digital Library MGIMO [electronic resource] - http://www.mgimo.ru/publications/ehd.phtml
    30. Library Council on Foreign Relations [electronic resource] - http://www.cfr.org/publication/
    31. The virtual library of links to sources of international relations [electronic resource] - http://www2.etown.edu/vl/index.html#resourcecategories

    Chapter 7. The US and the USSR in 1987-1990.

    1. Bush G. and Scowcroft B.A. World Transformed. New York - Toronto, 1998
    2. Deaver M. Behind the Scenes. N. Y. 1987. P. 39.
    3. Newsweek, 1988, June 6.P. 9.
    4. Library Council on Foreign Relations [electronic resource] - http://www.cfr.org/publication/
    5. George Bush., B. Scowcroft world has changed. M., 2004. C. 17- 18
    6. In the Politburo. According to records A. Chernyaev, V. Medvedev, G. Shakhnazarov. M., 2006. C. 151
    7. Bulletin of the Foreign Ministry. 1991. № 9.
    8. The virtual library of links to sources of international relations [electronic resource] - http://www2.etown.edu/vl/index.html#resourcecategories
    9. Mikhail Gorbachev Life and Reforms: In 2 t. T. 2. M., 1995. S. 131
    10. Mikhail Gorbachev Selected speeches and articles: The 7 t. T. 7. M., 1990. C. 184
    11. Mikhail Gorbachev Perestroika: New Thinking for Our Country and the World. M., 1987. C. 141, 150
    12. Mikhail Gorbachev Reflections on the past and future. M., 1998. C. 211
    13. OA Grinevskiy Fracture. From Brezhnev to Gorbachev. M., 2004. C. 545
    14. Existing international law: In 3 vol. T. 2. M., 1997.
    15. AF Dobrynin Strictly confidential. M., 1996. C. 656
    16. Ivanov: Russia's foreign policy Europe is in a special position // Izvestia. 2007 Feb 8.
    17. Kapto AS At the turn of the century. M., 2006. C. 302
    18. Mr. Kissinger's diplomacy. M., 1997, pp 721
    19. Kuzmin I. defeat. The collapse of the GDR and the reunification of Germany. M., 2003. P.56
    20. Kuzmin I. Six autumn years. Berlin 1985 - 1990. M., 1999. P.67
    21. Articles XIX All-Union Conference of the CPSU. M., 1988. C. 28-33
    22. Memoirs of Margaret Thatcher [electronic resource] -http: //thelib.ru/books/margaret_tetcher/avtobiografiya-read-6.html
    23. True. 03.17.1988, 02.19.1988, 21.07.1987, 25.05.1988
    24. Russia-2000. Modern political history (1985-1999 gg.): V 2 t. T. 1. Chronicle and analytics. M., 2000, pp 42
    25. Sekirinski DS MS Gorbachev, perestroika and American society: 1985-1990 years // Russian history. 2010. № 5. C. 95-110
    26. VS Khristophorov Difficult path to the Geneva Conventions of 1988 Afghanistan // Modern and Contemporary History. № 5. 2008. C. 23-47
    27. Chernyaev AS Six years with Gorbachev. According to diary entries. M., 1993. C. 120
    28. Digital Library MGIMO [electronic resource] - http://www.mgimo.ru/publications/ehd.phtml

    Chapter 8. Conclusion

    1. Bush G. and Scowcroft B.A. World Transformed. New York - Toronto, 1998
    2. Cropsey S. Why American Needs a Strong «Voice» Abroad. The Latter. Institute for Contemprorary Studies. 1983. Jan. - April
    3. Deaver M. Behind the Scenes. N. Y. 1987
    4. Glynn P. Why an American Arms Build up is morally necessary // Commentary. 1984. Feb
    5. International Herald Tribune.1981
    6. Keglye Ch., Wittkopf E. The Reagan Administration World View. Orbis. Spring. 1982
    7. Laquer W. Reagan and the Russians // Commentary. 1982. Jan
    8. Mandelbaum M., Talbott S. Reagan and Gorbachev. N.Y. 1987
    9. Pipes R. How to Cope with Soviet Threat. A long term strategy for the West // Commentary. 1984. Aug
    10. Podhoretz N. The Future Danger // Commentary. 1981. April
    11. Sakwa R. Gorbachev and His Reforms. N.Y., 1990
    12. Shultz G. Turmoil and Triumph. My Years as Secretary of State. N.Y., 1993
    13. Smith H. Reagan: What Kind of World Leader? // N.Y. Times Magazine. 1980. Nov
    14. The official Ronald Reagan Quote Book. St Louis, 1980
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