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Past of innovations processes, structures, resources, principles, and all that gives to possibility possibilities for innovations

Реферат Past of innovations processes, structures, resources, principles, and all that gives to possibility possibilities for innovations, номер: 80258

Номер: 80258
Количество страниц: 15
Автор: marvel2
390 руб.
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essay cover Past of innovations processes, structures, resources, principles, and all that gives to possibility possibilities for innovations , "
Modern scientific and technical progress is inconceivable without the intellectual product received as a result of innovative activ...


Дата публикации:

Past of innovations processes, structures, resources, principles, and all that gives to possibility possibilities for innovations
Modern scientific and technical progress is inconceivable without the intellectual product received as a result of innovative activ...
144010, Россия, Московская, Электросталь, ул.Ялагина, д. 15А
Телефон: +7 (926) 348-33-99


  • Содержание:
    Modern scientific and technical progress is inconceivable without the intellectual product received as a result of innovative activity.
    Necessary condition of economic growth and improvement of quality of life of any country is innovative activity. In turn it depends on economic and scientific and technical capacity of the state, its innovative policy and resources, a spiritual condition of society. At level of the enterprise (company) innovative activity depends on a choice of strategy and quality of management of activity, flexibility of production systems and use of resources.
    List of references"

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