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Контрольная Английский язык, вариант 6, номер: 173334

Номер: 173334
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Автор: marvel10
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essay cover Английский язык, вариант 6 , "ВАРИАНТ № 6
Task I. Translate the following text from English into Russian in writing.
Import and Export Control
Most g...


Дата публикации:

Английский язык, вариант 6
Task I. Translate the following text from English into Russian in writing.
Import and Export Control
Most g...
144010, Россия, Московская, Электросталь, ул.Ялагина, д. 15А
Телефон: +7 (926) 348-33-99


  • Содержание:
    "ВАРИАНТ № 6
    Task I. Translate the following text from English into Russian in writing.
    Import and Export Control
    Most goods may be imported into the UK under the authority of an open general import licence. The importation of a limited range of goods is, however, prohibited or subject to specified restrictions. Illicit drugs, obscene materials and weapons of terrorism are prohibited
    Some goods – textiles and shoes, for example – from certain specified countries are subject to quantitative limits and imports require individual import licences from the Department of Trade and Industry. The importation of other goods is controlled for the protection of human and animal health, the environment and for other social reasons.
    Certain goods which are of strategic or national heritage importance can only be exported under the authority of a licence from the Department of Trade and Industry or the Department of National Heritage.

    Task II. Read the following text and answer some questions in writing:
    1. What carries a penalty of life imprisonment?
    2. Who hears crimes first?
    3. Why can sentences be reduced?
    Penalties in England
    In England there are no minimum sentences, except for murder, which carry a penalty of life imprisonment. There are maximum sentences for other crimes. Crimes are first heard by a magistrate who can either pass sentence, or refer the crime to a Crown Court with a judge and jury. Here are maximum sentences for some crimes.
    Sentences can be reduced for good behaviour, often by one-third or more. “Life sentences” are rarely more than 14 years, and it would be possible to release prisoner after 7 years.

    Task III. Match left and right
    1) Акт таможенного досмотра
    2) Коммерческое мошенничество
    3) Меры по борьбе с контрафактной продукцией
    4) Культурное наследие
    5) Уклонение от уплаты пошлин на ввоз
    6) Борьба с коррупцией на таможне
    7) Международное сотрудничество
    8) Поддельная подпись
    9) Двойное дно
    10) Регистр опасных медикаментов

    Task IV. Translate into Russian.
    1. If the passenger has the entry declaration, he will not have difficulties at the Customs.
    2. I wish the Customs inspection was over as soon as possible.
    3. If you had a vet certificate, your dog wouldn’t be kept in confinement.
    4. If the British tourist declared the value item, he would be allowed to take it out of the country.
    5. If you forgot your passport at home, you would have some difficulties with getting the visa.

    Task V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
    1. If she to the university yesterday, she part in the conference.
    2. If his documents, he could have gone on a business trip last week.
    3. If I his language, I would speak to him.
    4. If they him then, he would have told them the news.

    Task VI. Match each word on the left with the appropriate definition on the right:

    Task VII. Use Present Conditionals.
    For example: If I my flight, I the next one.
    If I anything to declare, I through the customs quickly.
    If I my luggage claim receipt, I what to do.
    If I a discount ticket, I money for the present.
    If the passer-by asked me for help, I would help him.

    Task VIII. Translate the sentences into English using Conditionals.
    1. Если бы вы предъявили багажную квитанцию тотчас же после прибытия самолета, вы бы получили свой багаж немедленно.
    2. Если бы вы не потеряли свой паспорт, у вас не возникли бы осложнения при оформлении визы.
    3. Они опоздали бы на самолет вчера, если бы не смогли поймать такси.
    4. Если бы вы задекларировали все свои вещи, вы бы не оставили их на хранение в таможне на такой длительный срок.

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