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Английский язык, теоретические и практические задания

Контрольная Английский язык, теоретические и практические задания, номер: 218437

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Автор: marvel
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essay cover Английский язык, теоретические и практические задания , "ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКОЕ ЗАДАНИЕ (ТЗ) №1
Fill in Present Simple, Modal Verbs (can, may, must), Adjectives and Adverbs, Conditional 2, wis...


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Английский язык, теоретические и практические задания
Fill in Present Simple, Modal Verbs (can, may, must), Adjectives and Adverbs, Conditional 2, wis...
144010, Россия, Московская, Электросталь, ул.Ялагина, д. 15А
Телефон: +7 (926) 348-33-99


  • Содержание:
    Fill in Present Simple, Modal Verbs (can, may, must), Adjectives and Adverbs, Conditional 2, wish+past simple/continuous.

    Choose the words from the list you need to complete your stories on the topics – Walks, How I plan my lessons, My lessons.
    Capital, chest, tutor, fish, bedroom, pepper, optimistic, to walk, town, interesting, lessons, creative, group of children, teach, apple, running and jumping, development, car, banana, learn, activity, songs.


    Task 3. Asya Stein offers several ideas how to make a walk useful for children. Read her ideas and say if you agree or disagree with them and give a reason Why do you think so.

    Idea №1
    Write the words ""earth"", ""grass"", ""tree"", ""dandelion"", ""bump"", ""bark"", ""coast"", etc., on the cards and place them on the ground, attach to trees or flowers. Walk with kids on this magical field and read the words.
    You can offer to play ""Fish and Wildlife Museum,"" to older children and let them put right cards next to the ""exhibits"".
    If your kids can not read yet, help them, ""Where is a dandelion? Take a card and put it next to it!"" "" I am writing:"" pine "", and you, please, look for it and put it next to a pine.""

    Idea №2
    Take a compass and explain to the kids how to determine the cardinal directions, at the same time explain to them how to navigate without a compass.
    You can explain to 4-5 aged children how to use the plan and map of the area. It could be fine, if you can go hiking to determine in advance the route, using the map.
    In a winter evening, when the sky is clear and full of stars, try to find the North Star, the Big Dipper, and other constellations. Show your children the moon in different phases, tell them about their changes. Find an open spot where you can see a sunset. This view will shake even the tiniest babies.

    Idea №3
    Take some crumbs for ducks and pigeons in the park, make some feeders. Encourage your kids to observe birds quietly. Come regularly at one and the same place.
    Seek out an anthill and observe its inhabitants, explain to your children that ants are very hardworking insects, how they live in a big happy family. If you take a magnifying glass, you can carefully watch an ant or other insect. But in any case, do not allow a child to torture insects and birds. But the caterpillar is quite possible to be taken home and put in a jar and you can observe how it tries to turn it into a butterfly. Be sure to pay attention to what leaves the caterpillar were sitting because they have to be fed with.

    Idea №4
    From time to time, but not very often, take paper, a pencil for a walk.
    Explain to your child how to make sketches of plants, animals, people, painting landscapes. Let draw him as he wants - do not require the full similarity. Try to start drawing with your child, and then arrange the exhibition of your creativity.


    Plan the timetable of activities you can conduct in a kindergarten (choose the group you like best). Explain the reason of activity choiсe.

    Days of week Activity types
    Monday  Jumping Bean Phonics
    Tuesday  Create an Ocean in a Bottle
    Wednesday  Fish Me a Word
    Thursday  Make Like a Bird and Nest
    Friday  Counting Cups


    What points do you need to think about while planning your lesson?

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