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Английский язык профессиональный, 8 заданий

Контрольная Английский язык профессиональный, 8 заданий, номер: 245777

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essay cover Английский язык профессиональный, 8 заданий , "Контрольная работа № 3 (3 семестр обучения)
по дисциплине «Английский язык профессиональный» для групп заочного обучения. Уроки...


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Английский язык профессиональный, 8 заданий
"Контрольная работа № 3 (3 семестр обучения)
по дисциплине «Английский язык профессиональный» для групп заочного обучения. Уроки...
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  • Содержание:
    "Контрольная работа № 3 (3 семестр обучения)
    по дисциплине «Английский язык профессиональный» для групп заочного обучения. Уроки 1-6 поучебнику
    Trish Stott and Roger Holt
    “First class English for tourism”. Oxforduniversitypress

    I. Выполните письменно задания а), в), с) ниже, напишите письма-благодарности. Последнее письмо (с) оформите полностью, указав свое имя и адрес, имя и адрес адресата, дату по правилам англоязычной деловой корреспонденции.
    a): Write a thank-you letter to Jim, a friend of yours, and his mother Mrs. Helen Heywood for the pleasant weekend at their country house.
    b): You borrowed from a friend a travel-guide of the city and you are now returning it. Write your friend a thank-you letter for having lent you the guide and telling him how useful you found it.
    c): The Stewarts took you and your wife to the theatre to see the play you wanted to see long ago. Write a letter of thanks to them giving your impressions about the play.
    III. Write a letter of inquiry to your local dealer of “General Motors Company” asking him to send you the company’s brochure with the description of the types of cars and their technical characteristics (the engine, brakes, transmission, electric equipment etc.).
    IV. Write a letter of request to the United Airlines Ticket Office. Their address is 35 East Monroe Street, Chicago 3, Illinois, USA. Ask for a copy of a timetable of flights between Chicago and Los Angeles.

    II. Выполните письменно задания d), e), f), g), написав письма-поздравления.
    Письмоg) оформитеполностьюсадресамиидатой.
    d) Professor James Green, an acquaintance of yours, has been awarded the Nobel Prize for his outstanding discovery in physics. Congratulate him on this prize.
    e) Write a letter of about 80 words to a friend who has recently got married. Say something about the surprise and pleasure at the news, about your joy because the friend and his wife will be staying not far from where you live and about your hope to see them soon.
    f) A young couple of your friends have just had their first child – a girl. Write a letter of congratulation. Ask after the health of the mother and child and say that you hope to be able to visit them soon.
    g) Mr. Albert Paul, a senior teacher of the Copenhagen State Linguistic University was appointed Head of a Linguistics section. Congratulate him on the promotion.

    VI. Познакомьтесь в Интернете с типовым письмом-заявлением об устройстве на работу (coverletter). Для контрольной работы напишите одно письмо от своего имени об устройстве на работу в качестве официанта (waiter), шеф-повара (chef) или стюардессы (flightattendant). Сошлитесь на свое резюме (CV), укажите, чем вы занимались последние годы и что вы умеете делать.

    VII. Complete the sentences making a choice between hypothetical conditionals and unreal conditionals.
    VIII. Translate into English:
    X. Write an email message from Miranda Smith, a manager from “Imperial Chemicals” to the Reservations department of the Castle Lodge Hotel. Ask them to reserve a room (name the type of the room) for your Sales Director Mr. Henry Green for 2 nights from 18 August and a proper room (name the type of the room needed) for your General Manager Miss Caroline Lamb for 3 nights from 18 August. Ask them to confirm availability and your usual corporate discounts. Don’tforgetaboutthelay- outofthefax. "

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